Erie Animal Network

For the animals-By the people!

Community Classes
​Erie Animal Network offers free, fun and informative community classes. We get the best local experts to speak and teach on animal related topics. From bottle feeding abandoned kittens, to how to train your dog, to pet first aid, EAN strives to bring you the best information at our monthly community classes.
Pet Food Bank
The Erie Animal Network Community Pet Food Bank launched on February 14, 2012. What started out as a small mission to help pet owners in need of help due to a temporary set back, turned into a large scale operation. From February 2012 to November 2012, Erie Animal Network distributed over 5,000 pounds of pet food and supplies to pet owners in need in Erie County. Seeing how important this service was we continued to collect donations and have reached over 450,000 pounds of food shared with Erie animal owners in need!

Feral Cat Outreach
Feral cats are the forgotten cats in the shadows of our community. The victims of human carelessness, they live among us and deserve our compassion and support. We support feral caretakers, and can assist them with food, shelter, and offer advice on TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) for feral cats in our community.

Safe Net/Safe Pet
Erie Animal Network in partnership with Safe Net Domestic Violence Shelter provides emergent and confidential foster care for the pets of victims fleeing domestic abuse. EAN provides foster care, vet care and food to the client pets so that even four legged family members can be safe. Pets are reunited with client after completion of Safe Net Services.
​​Project Cat Track
​Have a friendly stray hanging around, and aren't sure if she's an indoor/outdoor access cat who is visiting? Use our EAN cat track tag as a tool to find out if the cat is homeless, or just wandering. Each tag is numbered and comes with a breakaway collar. If the cat goes home, their owner can check in with us via email.

​​Pandemic Pets
Erie Animal Network in partnership with ANNA Shelter urgently created the Pandemic Pets Program in order to assist pet owners who are hospitalized with complications from Covid-19, but do not have a caretaker for their pets left behind at home. With shelter in place or foster home services EAN cares for the pets so their owner can focus on getting well and back home. Food and Vet care is also covered by the program.

​​Muffy's Fund
Created in honor of our first client in need, Muffy's Fund can assist owners of terminally ill pets with private humane euthanasia when their pet is suffering, but they cannot afford the service. Muffy's Fund is there to help with a humane goodbye.

​​The Bruce Smith
Good Sam Grant
Erie Animal Network is proud to launch The Bruce Smith Good Sam Grant which provides up to $100.00 stipend grant towards initial vet care for Good Sams in Erie County PA who find a homeless stray and would like to offer the stray a place in their home. Named in honor of our 'Number One Networker', with a goal of 'Finding them all a home!' (Bruce's favorite tag line!)

Purple Dog House
Erie Animal Network is proud to launch an extension program to our Pet Food Bank- The Purple Dog House program offers 'Little Pet Food Pantries' across Erie County. Watch for a list of locations coming soon! Accessible 24/7 and stocked with Made in the USA pet food to offer more accessibility when there is a dog or cat in need.
Lost & Found Pets
Erie Animal Network is here for you if you have lost or found a pet. With a wide network audience and active community of local network friends on the lookout, we have seen many happy endings on EAN. In addition to posting on EAN, remember to read our lost pet tips, and call the local shelters to file your lost or found report!